Thursday 11 October 2012

Natural Pest Control Sydney

Natural pest control Sydney is on everybody’s lips  - especially in seasons where there seems to be more bugs than usual. If this is you, you’re in luck. This helpful little article has tons of tips that will ensure that your home, office or other commercial premises are pest free.

What pests are we talking about? There are a lot of pests that find their way to our home. Perhaps one of the most disgusting and prevalent one out there is the creepy crawly called the Cockroach.
Cockroach Natural Pest Control Sydney
Isn’t it weird that cockroaches are smaller than us, but they incite fear and bloodcurdling screams from even the most mature of adults? We can’t help it, these black and brown bugs are gross carriers of bacteria and we want them squished to non-existence as soon as possible.

Like fleas and mites, diatomaceous earth is a deadly substance for cockroaches. For those of you not familiar with diatomaceous earth, it looks like talc and is generally harmless to humans, but they can kill pests that come in contact with it within 48 hours. It will only take a small handful of this natural pest control to effectively remove the pests that invade our houses.

It's messy, but you could sprinkle diatomaceous earth over cracks in your home, under the furniture and even on top of the cupboard (cockroaches are known to like high places). This earth looks and feels like powder to us, but they actually have razor sharp edges that penetrate the exoskeleton exterior of the pesky bug. It  can pierce through them and kill them, by dehydrating them severely - this may mean that you will see cockroaches congregating around pools of moisture or liquid around the house.

Soapy water kills cockroaches and many parasites so it is a good idea to wipe down furniture with soapy water to sanitize your house once in a while. This is also good in killing fleas. Put a dish of soapy water under a lamp (fleas are attracted to light). Fleas will be drawn to the lighted water infused with soap and they will be history.

You can also repel fleas and other parasites through aromatherapy oils and citrus scents. Get a spray bottle and mix a few drops of the essential oil of your choice with water, and spray it all over your pet, bedding or upholstery. Give your pet a lemon bath and let him dry naturally in the sun to further concentrate the fresh smell that fleas hate. Comb your pet’s fur regularly with a fine toothed comb to detect the presence of fleas and ticks and remove them as soon as you see them.
Mosquito Natural Pest Control Sydney
Now, mosquitoes may be small, but they are among the most annoying and potentially dangerous pests around. These tiny creatures are often most active during the early morning or early evening. They are also more prevalent in areas where the air is still because the breeze might blow them away. Be especially careful so that

Pest Management Sydney

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