Thursday 11 October 2012

Bed Bug Pest Control Sydney

It’s good to know about bed bug pest control Sydney because these little creatures are super hard to live with—literally. They may be small, but they are a big nuisance to us and the people living in our house or staying in our hotels.
Bed Bug Pest Control Sydney
Before we talk about bed bug pest control Sydney, it’s a good idea to expel some myths about this particular pest. Many people have an idea about bed bugs which aren’t really accurate. The more you know about what you’re dealing with, the better the chances you can get rid of them for good.

The bed bug are wingless bugs that feed off their human hosts or other warm blooded animals at night. They are very small (5mm for adult bugs), and they are not invisible to the naked eye as most people assume. You will know of their presence through tiny blood spots in your bed sheets. If you look carefully, you can also see white eggs around 1mm in size hidden behind crevices and dark spots.

There are several places that bed bugs hide. Although they usually feed at night, it doesn’t mean that they don’t come out in the mornings as well. They usually hide out in the seams and springs of your bed, folds of curtains, cracks on the floor or cabinets, drawers, wall hangings and even luggages (yes, they travel with you if you let them). Because bed bugs are almost flat and oval shaped, they can squeeze in just about anything that can hold them.

Some people think that bed bugs are attracted to dirt like most pests, but this is not true. They can be found even in the nicest hotel rooms. It is recommended that you clean and de-clutter your room though so they don’t have a lot of hiding places to sneak in.

Fortunately, it has never been found that bed bugs carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans. However, this doesn’t mean that you can tolerate these pests. They bite your skin during the night and leave itchy, unsightly red spots on parts of your body. Preventing bed bugs from making their abode in your home is a fantastic gift you can give yourself and your family.

For one thing, you need to check the mattress and springs for the presence of bed bugs. Second hand furniture are especially rich with these pests. Inspect any furniture carefully before giving them a spot in your home, you don’t want to be overrun with bed bugs that you inherited with the new bed that you bought.

Bed bugs can be killed through extreme heat so wash your beddings and sheets in high temperature. Remember, they can also travel with you so after returning home from a trip, wash your laundry as soon as you can, also in high temperature.

Do not use pest control that do not specifically indicate that it eliminates bed bugs.  These are just some of the things that bed bug pest control Sydney will help you with.


Pest Management Sydney

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